A Beginner’s Guide to Weightlifting

by | Sep 11, 2020 | Fitness

Weightlifting for beginners can be intimidating. For those who’ve never walked into the free weights section of a gym, the many kinds of weights, the machines, the mirrors can all be overwhelming. Given the many mental, physical, and lifestyle benefits of weight training, how can a person of any age or size get started? From our local Tacoma trainer, here are some beginner’s weightlifting guides to start you on your journey!

1. Technique First

Proper technique is essential for both safety and efficacy. Performing an exercise wrong not only robs you of its full benefits, but can be dangerous. When you perform an exercise for the first time consider doing so without weight. Have an experienced trainer or weightlifter watch your form and make sure you’re moving correctly. Only when you’ve successfully learned the correct motion should you add weight.

2. Start Small

While enormously beneficial, weight training does come with its share of risks. A common mistake among beginners involves lifting too heavy, too quickly. Many weightlifting for exercises don’t feel overly difficult the first time you perform them. In fact, newcomers notoriously overestimate how much they can safely lift. When performing a new exercise or routine, it’s always better to start with smaller weights and slowly increase as you become used to performing the movement properly. Remember: your only competition is yourself.

3. Ask for Help

Like sports and other physical activities, weightlifting is a skill set that you develop with time and practice. Just as you wouldn’t jump into a fight ring or on a soccer field without proper coaching first, you should enlist the help of a trainer or experienced weightlifter before hitting the heavier weights. A personal trainer can make sure you learn the movements correctly and increase weights at an appropriate rate. Here in Downtown Tacoma, we offer one-on-one training and group sessions to get you started!

4. Consistency Over Quantity

We’ve all seen that guy in the weightlifting gym going for the biggest possible weight and grunting his way through it. While that’s fine for specific goals, if you’re focused on overall health, fitness, and wellness, consistency matters most. To grow muscle you’ll need to increase the amount of weight you lift with time. However, this is a slow process. Before you worry about how heavy you can go, develop a consistent routine. 2-4 days a week is recommended for a newcomer. More than this and you risk injury and burnout. Remember that when embarking on a weight training journey, it’s not one-and-done. Create a schedule you can incorporate into your lifestyle for the next 3-5 years, go slow, and be consistent. You’ll thank yourself later.

Contrary to stereotypical misconceptions, weightlifting weight classes is an activity that almost anyone can learn and incorporate into their daily lives. No matter your size, age, or experience, you shouldn’t count out weight training unless you have some other underlying health condition. If you’re intimidated, concerned, or unsure, talk to us! We offer free consultations in Downtown Tacoma and can help you come up with a plan that will work for you and your unique situation.