Not Building Muscle? Three Possible Reasons

by | Sep 17, 2021 | Fitness, lifestyle

A lot of us go to the gym with these dreams of getting stronger, being healthier, and building some sweet muscles.

And while the first two objectives are pretty easy to see progress in, sometimes we aren’t getting the results we want in terms on muscle mass. Now, every body is different and will require different things in order to get the same results as someone else. And while there isn’t a one-size-fits-all plan for everybody, there are often some things that are universal that can make it harder to build that muscle you want to see. 

Here are three possible reasons you’re not building muscle

You’re not eating the right foods

Making sure you get the right kind of nutrition is critical to building muscle mass. If you’re eating a high-sugar, high-fat diet, chances are you’ll gain the weight you want to, but it’ll mostly be fat instead of muscle. Eating whole foods is key to a health diet. You wouldn’t put impure oil into an engine and expect it to run well, right? Your body is no different. Having the right kind of fuel going into your body (i.e. vegetables, fruit, legumes) will not only help you feel better, but will help you in bulking up the right way.

You’re not eating enough food

We’ve talked about this time and time again on the blog, but it’s true: diet and exercise go hand in hand to keep you healthy. Another reason you’re not building muscle could be because you’re not eating enough.

Getting the right amount of food is just as important as making sure you’re getting the right kinds of foods. Your caloric intake has a lot to do with your weight and how it changes. For example, if you want to keep your current weight you’re going to want to keep your eating habits the same. If you’re wanting to lose weight, you often need a consistent workout routine plus a calorie deficit. Likewise, if you’re wanting to bulk up, you’re going to want to be taking in more calories than normal on top of your workout routine. 

Your workout routine isn’t working

We’d all like to think that we’ve got it all figured out when it comes to fitness. But the truth is sometimes your workout routine isn’t right for the goals that you’re trying to reach. Whether it’s the type of workouts you’re doing or your rest days (or lack there of), taking a good, honest look at your workout routine is key to meeting the goals you have set for yourself. 

Not building muscle? Let OG Muscle help

Are you wanting to get serious about making and keeping your personal fitness and lifestyle goals? Personal training with Organically Grown Muscle offers you the guidance, inspiration, and community to reach your goals. Personal trainers assess your workout and eating habits to tailor a both a nutritional and weightlifting/strength plan to fit your needs.