Small Group Training vs. Large Group in Tacoma

by | May 1, 2021 | Fitness, lifestyle, Organic Fitness

If you’ve done any sort of dance, spin, or kickboxing class, you’ve participated in what we call group fitness. Group fitness training is a great way to build community, confidence, and muscle. But how big of a group is ideal? Is there such thing as “too small” or “too big”? In this blog, we’re going over the pros and cons of small group training versus large group training, and why small might be best. 

Large Group Fitness

Large group settings are great places to have fun and get in the zone. Typically with large groups the instructor will demonstrate the workouts and then set the tempos. However, in many cases, this is where detail-oriented instruction ends. When the music starts the instructor often takes on more of a motivational role. This is definitely important, but unfortunately, it can lead to neglect of form and safety. 

Let’s be clear. This isn’t the instructor’s fault. It can just become more difficult to correct technique or identify the bad form in a room full of 30 people. 

Small Group Training At Organically Grown Muscle

Small group training sessions are, essentially, what they sound like. They are often much smaller (2-10 people) and much easier to manage than larger groups. They focus on conditioning and strength training. 

At Organically Grown Muscle in Tacoma we provide small group training sessions that typically cap off at 7 or 8 people. This is benefits both our instructors and our participants. With smaller groups the instructors are able to pay closer attention to everyone’s form and correct accordingly. This puts less pressure on the instructor to get to everyone (since there are less people) and instead lets them focus on helping and encouraging their class. Smaller classes are usually better for participants too, since they allow for 1 on 1 instruction and correction. 

Because of the smaller class sizes there is also more variety available. While large group fitness sessions are generic and middle-of-the-line in the intensity they offer, smaller group classes let instructors provide variations specific to each individual. If someone is struggling an instructor can come by to offer encouragement and help. If another participant is getting bored the instructor can come by and offer solutions to make the workout more engaging and challenging. 

Our instructors offer new programs every 30 days. That means that the workout never gets old or stale! 

Ready to get started with small group training at Organically Grown Muscle? Give us a call to get started today.