Organic Fitness??

by | Sep 11, 2017 | Organic Fitness | 5 comments

Organic fitness doesn’t necessarily involve going outside and throwing rocks and logs around, or jumping from tree branch to tree branch. Although that has benefits and is a lot of fun.

My simple definition is: move how we are intended to move. This can translate into any form of workout, where we learn how to do exercise with full range of motion, using techniques that will benefit us in our everyday lives.

My first time stepping into a gym was when I was 14, a freshman in high school who didn’t play sports. When I walked in I was overwhelmed by football players, track athletes, or some kids who were in there to lift heavy and get big. I didn’t really find an in between and that left me wondering what I could do in the weight room. The kids in there at the time were not the friendliest. If you were not apart of the football team or another sport you were pretty much looked down upon for even stepping foot in there. After that experience, I started training here and there at home and stayed away from the gym. I don’t feel like that ends in high school either, because I had that same overwhelming feeling entering a YMCA when I was in my early 20s. This is when I really got a little more serious about training and felt that I needed to move past the old feelings I had.

I started introducing myself to more of the fitness industry through online videos, different gyms and just talking to some of the people who “looked” like they were in really good shape. Come to find out most of those guys were NOT in good shape at all. They had the look, the attitude and the talk to build up a good story. But when I started to take a look at what they were doing outside of the gym, it kind of disturbed me.

Many of them chose to use fitness supplements, protein powders, carb cycling, fad/crash diets and other various ways to get big or burn fat fast. This also led to many of those people lifting heavier weights then they should, techniques that cause injury and over time really caused these people to be the most “out of shape” people I knew.  When I went to school for personal training and was confronted with the same mentality, I was astonished.

That is somewhat of an insight into why I want to help train people from a different mindset. We can set out to achieve all the same goals without the use of performance supplements, protein powders and fad/crash diets that simply are not sustainable. Plant based foods were put here for a particular reason and can have an endless amount of benefits to help the function of our bodies.

There are foods meant to boost your adrenal glands which make for a perfect preworkout snack. Some foods are specifically designed to boost your recovery and reduce inflammation, which would be perfect for a post-workout snack or meal rather than drinking down protein powder.

Ultimately, I want to change how people look at fitness and what it means for them and their quality of life.